Saturday, May 18, 2013

From Mexico to India: Monsanto is Killing More Than Just Biodiversity

May 16, 2013 | By  3 Replies
Flickr - - Native Corn - FromSandToGlassJen Wilton & Liam Barrington-Bush, Guests
Waking Times
In late April, world renowned Indian ‘seed activist’Vandana Shiva travelled to the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca to join a gathering of Mexican farmers, indigenous leaders and environmentalists, fighting to protect Mexico’s native corn crops against the imposition of genetically modified alternatives.
The group gathered for the ‘Pre-audiencia Nacional: Contaminación Transgénica del Maíz Nativo‘ in the shadows of the Sierra Juárez mountain range, in response to the Mexican government’s proposal to allow the seeding of twelve million hectares of genetically modified corn. The proposal followed an initial pilot project in which Monsanto was allowed to plant GMO corn in test sites in 2009. While many local communities remain adamantly opposed to the move, extensive lobbying by Monsanto, with support from the world’s richest man, Mexican Carlos Slim, and considerable efforts by the Gates Foundation, have raised real fears that local concerns may be ignored.
While Slim, the Gates Foundation and Monsanto argue that GMO technology will feed the world’s poor, many locals deem the imposition of transgenic crops a serious threat to the native varieties of corn that have been at the core of rural Mexican cultures for millennia.
“On every ground transgenics are wrong,” Vandana Shiva told the Oaxaca audience of several hundred, “but they are hugely wrong in the centre of diversity of maize here in Mexico.”
The historic birthplace of corn, and home to several thousand varieties of the crop, corn is more than just a staple in the Mexican diet. Renowned Mexican poet Octavio Paz once said, “The invention of corn by Mexicans is comparable only to the invention of fire by man.”
Beyond its prevalence in local cooking, corn is a symbol at the heart of countless indigenous traditions and holds great spiritual significance. An indigenous Nahuatl man from the state of Hidalgo explained that his community hosts a festival to celebrate corn every year in which “we dance with the corn and we celebrate the Earth Mother.”
Echoing this sentiment, a woman from an organisation representing indigenous communities in the south-east of Mexico and Guatemala said, “When we care for and cultivate our cornfields, God is with us. He gives us the food that we need. He works with us and he rests with us. That is why we ask for permission from God in every moment of the life cycle of corn … The corn that God gives us, lives with us, sings and dances with us, and in certain moments it also cries with us.”
A nationwide campaign was born in Mexico in 2007 called ‘Sin Maíz, no hay país’ (’Without corn, there is no country’). “Corn is the life of the towns,” said event organiser Neftalí Reyes Mendez, of the Oaxacan Collective in Defence of Territories in an interview following the event. “Corn is the base of life, the base of resistance for the peoples of Oaxaca.”
Aware of the crop’s supreme importance in Mexico, Vandana Shiva travelled more than 30 hours to share her experiences of fighting GM-giant Monsanto in India. “We started the seed saving movement in India,” she explained, “with the commitment to not obey laws that make it illegal for us to have our own seeds, because [seed] saving for biodiversity, continuing our heritage, receiving what we have received from nature and our ancestors, looking after it with love and care to pass it on to future generations is not a crime. It is our sacred duty.”
Shiva went on to explain the catastrophic effects that the widespread planting of BT cotton in India has had, relating how within one season only Monsanto seed was available to cotton farmers. Subsequent crop failures and the rise of indebtedness, following an 8,000-fold increase in seed prices, have devastated the fabric of community life. Shiva poignantly told the gathered crowd, “150,000 people have been killed in the criminal violence of organised crime in Mexico. In India, 270,000 Indian peasants have committed suicide because of the criminal violence of the organised crime of Monsanto. … Don’t allow Monsanto to make Mexico a suicide economy.”
With what critics have called ‘The Monsanto Protection Act’ having recently passed into law in the US, some Mexicans fear Peña Nieto’s government will follow suit and approve the widespread commercial planting of GM corn, making seed sharing illegal and making it far harder for farmers to maintain non-GMO-contaminated varieties of corn. Dr Alejandro Espinosa Calderón, a nationally-recognised expert on GMO corn in Mexico, echoed this fear, stating emphatically, “The Mexican government does not defend Mexicans, they defend Monsanto.”
While Monsanto have not yet proven the safety of their pilot sites in Mexico, GM advocates argue that scientific tests show no harmful health or environmental results. But Shiva has heard these arguments before. “All the tests they do for safety are not tests, because they work with surrogate proteins. They don’t work with the transgene,” Shiva explained. Her concern is backed up by a 2006 report by Friends of the Earth UK, on the allergenic qualities of GMO foods. The report argues “surrogate proteins may not reflect the toxicity or allergenicity of the plant-produced protein to which people are actually exposed. … The use of surrogate proteins is not acceptable – protein produced by the GM plant that will actually be eaten must be used in allergenicity assessments.”
Similarly, a 2009 report from the Indian Academy of Sciences recommends “carrying out acute toxicity studies with native (not “surrogate”) protein.”
“When it comes to safety,” Shiva explains incredulously, “they say this is natural. It is substantially equivalent to your corn and therefore we don’t have to really test because it is equal. … They say it is just like nature, but when it comes to owning the seed they say, ‘We are the creators. We made it, we are the inventers. We own it, we have the patent. It is our intellectual property.’ So the same thing is new, when it comes to owning, and it is natural when it comes to shedding responsibility for the environmental, health and socio-economic impacts. I call this ontological schizophrenia.”
Shiva concluded by reiterating the connection between Indian and Mexican seed activists, despite their geographical separation – “We are doing what you are doing and we are part of one movement that is planetary, while being deeply local. We have started a global citizen’s movement for seed freedom, to say no to transgenics, no to patents, no to Monsanto’s empire to destroy the planet, and our lives and our food systems.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

GMO crops have walked through the open door of the Obama presidency

Let's see what GMO crops have walked through the open door of the Obama presidency.

Monsanto GMO alfalfa.

Monsanto GMO sugar beets.

Monsanto GMO Bt soybean.

Coming soon: Monsanto's GMO sweet corn.

Syngenta GMO corn for ethanol.

Syngenta GMO stacked corn.

Pioneer GMO soybean.

Syngenta GMO Bt cotton.

Bayer GMO cotton.

ATryn, an anti-clotting agent from the milk of transgenic goats.

A GMO papaya strain.

And soon, genetically engineered salmon and apples.

This is an extraordinary parade.

Obama was, all along, a stealth operative on behalf of Monsanto, biotech, GMOs, and corporate control of the future of agriculture. 43 Essential Nutrients in every serving of food!  (No bad stuff)

He didn't make that many key political appointments and allow that many new GMO crops to enter the food chain through a lack of oversight.

Nor is it coincidental that two of the Obama's biggest supporters, Bill Gates and George Soros, purchased 900,000 and 500,000 shares of Monsanto, respectively, in 2010.

Records don't show Monsanto or other biotech giants pouring a landslide of (visible) campaign cash down on Obama, relative to other large donors.

Tell the FDA to keep hidden aspartame out of dairy products

(NaturalNews) The conventional dairy lobby is currently pressing for some major regulatory changes that would further deceive the public into buying unhealthy, processed foods laced with hidden artificial sweetening chemicals. And the public only has until May 21 to prevent this assault on honest food labeling from potentially becoming the new standard for flavored milk, yogurt, and various other milk-containing processed food products.

You may recall that back in February, a cohort of industrial milk producers and conventional dairy industry advocates filed a petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) basically asking for permission to hide aspartame and other dangerous, artificial sweetening chemicals in flavored milk and dairy products. These groups claim that doing so will not only benefit public health, but actually increase food labeling transparency.

Such claims make absolutely no sense in the real world, of course, but they are exactly what the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) are right now asking the FDA to accept and approve as the new food labeling standard. And in the absence of massive public backlash against this preposterous proposal, it is likely that the corporate-controlled FDA will gleefully alter its requirements to accommodate the dairy industry's ridiculous demands.

But as required by law, the FDA is still accepting public comments on the petition until May 21, which means there is plenty of time for the public to take collective action against this atrocity. The petition itself contains a "Request for Comments" section that outlines specific tenets of the proposal for which public comments are requested - and it is important that health-conscious individuals everywhere take the time to leave them. 43 Essential Nutrients in every serving of food!  (No bad stuff)

Hiding aspartame in 'characterizing flavoring ingredients' is unacceptable

Of primary concern is the dairy industry's request that the FDA modify its existing nutrition labeling standards to provision for the unlabeled inclusion of "non-nutritive," or zero-calorie, sweetening agents in flavored dairy products. Under the proposed amendments, a flavored dairy product like chocolate milk, for instance, would be allowed to contain the sweetening chemical aspartame within its flavoring ingredients, but not have to be labeled as such.

Why is the dairy industry trying to make this change? It admits in the petition that "reduced calorie" foods - "reduced calorie" is typically a code phrase for hidden artificial sweetening chemicals - are "not attractive to children." So in order to get children to buy and consume more of such products - for their own good, we are told - such labels need to be removed in order to make all flavored dairy products, whether they contain sugar or sweetening chemicals, appear identical.

Perhaps the most absurd aspect of the proposal is that the dairy industry claims hiding artificial sweeteners in flavored dairy products will "promote honesty and fair dealing in the interest of consumers." It is precisely this type of absurdity that the public needs to draw attention to by leaving comments in the Federal Register, which you can do here:

"Would the proposed amendments promote honesty and fair dealing in the interest of consumers?" asks the first paragraph in the "Request for Comments" section. "Will the inclusion of the non-nutritive sweeteners in the ingredient statement provide consumers with sufficient information to ensure that consumers are not misled regarding the characteristics of the milk they are purchasing?" asks another section.

Be sure to review the entire dairy industry petition and answer these important questions by leaving comments of opposition before May 21:

The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) has also created step-by-step instructions and talking points you can use to quickly and effectively leave comments on the petition:

Take action NOW to demand that GMOs be removed from Similac

Because the company is an industry leader in the baby formula market, Abbott's potential decision to remove GMOs from its products could set a new precedent for the entire industry to follow. The issue is so crucial, in fact, that the organic and sustainable farming advocacy group Cornucopia Institute has created its own petition that everyday people can sign to demand that Abbott remove GMOs from Similac, which you can access and sign here:

"Many of the ingredients used in infant formula, especially soy-based formula, are derived from crops that have been genetically altered to internally produce pesticides or to be resistant to specific herbicides, so that weed killers that would normally kill or injure the plant can be sprayed more frequently and at higher doses," explains the CI petition.

"[U]ntil infant formula makers stop using GMO ingredients, hundreds of thousands of newborns and infants will be unwitting participants in this huge, uncontrolled experiment with the health of the next generation," it adds.

Be sure to sign the CI petition to remove GMOs from Similac:

Food investigations: Welch's fruit juice cocktails contain more corn than fruit: 80% water and high fructose corn syrup

(NaturalNews) If you buy fruit juices at your local grocery store, you might notice the Welch's brand juices sold in refrigerated cartons. Welch's calls them "refrigerated cocktails" and offers exotic-sounding flavors like Strawberry Peach, Dragon Fruit Mango Cocktail and Orange Pineapple Apple.

These products are aggressively marketed with pictures of splashy fruit and loud label claims like "Fruity and Refreshing!" But what Welch's doesn't reveal anywhere except in the fine print on its ingredients label is that these juice cocktails contain more high fructose corn syrup than fruit.

In fat, they contain so much high fructose corn syrup that the front label should actually show chunks of corn rather than the fruit they currently depict.

Is this corn syrup derived from GMO corn? See below for more...

Deceptively marketed and labeled

A Natural News investigation concludes that Welch's refrigerated cocktails are deceptively labeled and marketed. The Welch's website, for starters, hides the ingredients list from consumers, showing nutrition facts but not ingredients. High fructose corn syrup only shows up under ingredients, not nutrition facts.

The front label of Welch's Strawberry Peach product uses the phrase, "Fruity & Refreshing" in a prominent position on the label. But if this claim were accurate, it would actually say, "Corny & Refreshing" because it's made more from corn than fruit.

The front label (see picture below) also intentionally leaves out any mention of corn syrup even though high fructose corn syrup is the second most prominent ingredient of the product, right after water. It says:

Strawberry Peach flavored fruit juice cocktail blend made with apple, pear, strawberry and peach juices from concentrate.

No mention of corn.

The back label (see image below) begins with a giant, all-caps "LOVE" statement, jumping on the bandwagon of trying to associate LOVE with its product, even though no rational person would use the word "LOVE" to describe a highly refined liquid sugar that has been repeatedly linked to diabetes and obesity.

Welch's annual report admits it is aware that consumers seek to avoid HFCS

All this corn syrup is being pushed as fruit juice despite the fact that Welch's 2012 annual report openly admits the company is fully aware that consumers are attempting to avoid high fructose corn syrup.

It reads:

"Our mid-priced essentials line continued to grow in FY '12 with its powerful message -- no high fructose corn syrup."

The context of this statement clearly implies that "no high fructose corn syrup" is a benefit of its essentials line of products. Yet, simultaneously, Welch's continues to promote other products that contain alarming proportions of HFCS while avoiding any mention of corn on the front label.

80% water and corn syrup!

Only when you get to the back label do you learn that these Welch's fruit juice cocktails -- which are heavily adorned with photos and words that describe and imply "fruit" -- are actually 80% water and corn syrup.

The first two ingredients are Filtered Water (i.e. tap water) and High Fructose Corn Syrup. An easy-to-miss bit of text admits, "Contains 20% juice," meaning 80% of the beverage is not juice.

Nowhere does the product claim to be free of GMOs. As the vast majority of high fructose corn syrup produced in North America is derived from genetically modified corn, it is very likely that the HFCS used by Welch's is actually GMO. A genetic test would not confirm this, however, as the heavy processing of HFCS destroys genetic integrity, rendering genetic ID tests useless.

Here are the photos of the label: (story continues below)

Deceptive labeling pushes more high fructose corn syrup to children

Welch's fruit juice cocktails are depicted as if they were nothing but fruit juice. The photos, descriptive text and website text all imply they are made of nothing other than fruit juices. Nowhere on the product front label, website or promotional materials is corn depicted at all.

When consumers shop for fruit juices at their local grocery stores, they are easily misled by deceptive labeling practices such as those used by Welch's. Consumers use the pictures and prominent text on the front of the product as their primary cues to determine the composition of the product, and if that product label primarily depicts fruit and fruit juices, a typical consumer will incorrectly assume the product is primarily made of fruit and fruit juices. That same consumer will typically have no idea the product contains more corn derivatives than fruit juice.

Most consumers -- especially parents -- are actively trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup. This is often the reason why they choose fruit juice instead of sodas, as a matter of fact. Yet if they reach for Welch's juice cocktails, they are getting the exact same refined liquid sugar they were trying to avoid by choosing juice instead of soda!

Here at Natural News, we think Welch's should be ashamed of itself for pushing water and high fructose corn syrup as a fruit juice beverage. Its labeling practices deceive rather than inform consumers.

We urge you to call the Welch's comment line at 1-800-340-6870 and demand they stop selling high fructose corn syrup as fruit juice.

Corn is not a fruit. And corn syrup is not fruit juice. It is, however, often contaminated with mercury.

Demand that Welch's stop tricking consumers into thinking corn syrup is fruit juice.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sugar and Saccharin More Addictive Than Intravenous Cocaine?

January 11, 2013 | By  Reply
Sugar and artificial sweeteners are so accessible, affordable and socially sanctioned, that few consider their habitual consumption to be a problem on the scale of say, addiction to cocaine.  But if recent research is correct their addictive potential could be even worse.
Almost 40 years ago, William Duffy published a book called Sugar Blues which argued that refined sugar is an addictive drug and profoundly damaging to health.  While over 1.6 million copies have been printed since its release in 1975, a common criticism of the book has been that it lacked sufficient scientific support.
Today, William Duffy’s work is finding increasing support in the first-hand, peer-reviewed and published scientific literature itself. Not only is sugar drug-like in effect, but it may be more addictive than cocaine.  Worse, many sugar-free synthetic sweeteners carry with them addictive properties and toxicities that are equal to, or may outweigh those of sugar.
Back in 2007, a revealing study titled, “Intense sweetness surpasses cocaine reward,”  found that when rats were given the option of choosing between water sweetened with saccharin and intravenous cocaine, the large majority of animals (94%) preferred the sweet taste of saccharin.[i] This preference for sweetness was not attributable to its unnatural ability to induce sweetness without calories, because the same preference was found with sucrose; nor was the preference for saccharin overcome by increasing doses of cocaine.
A common argument against the relevance of animal studies like this to human behavior is that rats differ too profoundly from humans. However, even insects like forager bees have been found to respond in a similar way to humans when given cocaine, experiencing an overestimation of the value of the floral resources they collected, with cessation of chronic cocaine treatment causing a withdrawal-like response.[ii]
Researchers believe that intense sweetness activates ancient neuroendocrine pathways within the human body, making obsessive consumption and/or craving inevitable. The authors of the cocaine/saccharin study summarized this connection as follows:
Our findings clearly demonstrate that intense sweetness can surpass cocaine reward, even in drug-sensitized and -addicted individuals. We speculate that the addictive potential of intense sweetness results from an inborn hypersensitivity to sweet tastants. In most mammals, including rats and humans, sweet receptors evolved in ancestral environments poor in sugars and are thus not adapted to high concentrations of sweet tastants. The supranormal stimulation of these receptors by sugar-rich diets, such as those now widely available in modern societies, would generate a supranormal reward signal in the brain, with the potential to override self-control mechanisms and thus to lead to addiction.
In a previous article, “Is Fructose As Addictive As Alcohol?”, we looked at the addictive properties of isolated fructose in greater depth, including over 70 adverse health effects associated with fructose consumption. It appears that not only does fructose activate a dopamine- and opioid-mediated hedonic pathway within the body, but like excessive alcohol consumption, exacts a significant toll on health in exchange for the pleasure it generates.
The drug-like properties of common beverages and foods, have been the subject of a good deal of research over the past few decades. Wheat and related grains, for instance, are a major foodsource of opioid peptides. These pharmacologically active compounds, also found in milk,coffee and even lettuce, may even explain why ancient hunters and gatherers took the agrarian leap over 10,000 years ago.  Likely, the transition from the Paleolithic to Neolithic was motivated by a combination of environmental pressures and the inherently addictive properties made accessible and abundant due to the agrarian/animal husbandry mode of civilization. For more on this, read our essay “The Dark Side of Wheat.”
As far as synthetic sweeteners, an accumulating body of toxicological research indicates they have a wide range of unintended, adverse health effects beyond the aforementioned problem of addiction. For a comprehensive list, view our Artificial Sweetener Research page.
One clear implication of these findings is that one is best served consuming natural sweet foods, including honey, or fruit like apples. Not only are these easier to consume in moderation, but they have a profound set of “side benefits” as well.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Is Juicing Cannabis Better For Health Than Smoking It?

Subject: Is Juicing Cannabis Better For Health Than Smoking It?
Date: January 2, 2013 7:31:48 AM CST

Alyx S. Kerr, Prevent Disease
Waking Times
Cannabinoids can prevent cancer, reduce heart attacks by 66% and insulin dependent diabetes by 58%. Cannabis clinician Dr. William Courtney recommends drinking 4 – 8 ounces of raw flower and leaf juice from any Hemp plant, 5 mg of Cannabidiol (CBD) per kg of body weight, a salad of Hemp seed sprouts and 50 mg of THC taken in 5 daily doses.
Cannabis – whether Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis, male, female, hermaphrodite, wild, bred for fiber, seeds or medicinal resin – is a vegetable with every dietary essential we can’t synthesize: Essential Amino Acids, Essential Fatty Acids, Essential Cannabinoid acids and hundreds of anti-Cancer compounds.

Cannabis clinician Dr. William Courtney recommends drinking 4 – 8 ounces of bud and leaf juice of any Hemp plant, 5 mg of CBD per kg of body weight, a salad of Hemp seed sprouts and 50 mg of THC daily, divided into 5 doses with an Arachadonic acid source, such as Hemp seed oil.

“If you heat the plant, you will decarboxylate THC-acid and you will get high, you”ll get your 10 mg. If you don’t heat it, you can go up to five or six hundred milligrams & use it as a Dietary Cannabis. . . and push it up to the Anti-oxidant and Neuro-protective levels which come into play at hundreds of milligrams,” stated Dr. William Courtney. You know there's a better way to get your essential nutrients.

“The amount of Cannabinoids we need would be difficult to get through smoked Cannabis without feeling the intoxicating effects,” said Kristen Courtney.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) maintains our biological systems by regulating each cell tissue. It uses Arachadonic acid/Omega 6 to make Endo-Cannabinoids: fatty molecules that communicate harm between cells. Dietary Cannabis mimics the ECS by providing Cannabinoids when there is an Arachadonic acid deficiency or Clinical Cannabinoid Deficiency.

The body regenerates best when it’s saturated with Phyto-Cannabinoids, which takes 3 months of Dietary Cannabis use.

Patients exceeding 4 decades need Dietary Cannabis daily.

Patients using blood pressure, birth control, Epilepsy, Anti-psychotic or any Cardiac medicines need more Dietary Cannabis to elevate their serum Cannabinoid levels.
Oxidative diseases and Amphetamine, radiation or Alcohol damage can be prevented or treated with Cannabinoid therapy.

Cannabinoids are particularly effective in the treatment of oxidative associated diseases of the CNS because they cross the Blood Brain Barrier and exert their anti-oxidant effects.
Hemp juice has lowered blood pressure an average of 10 points within 2 hours.
Patients suffering from end stage Cancer need to eat buds whole.

Plants sprayed with anything shouldn’t be juiced, but some pests are edible, such as Spider mites.

To prepare leaves for a juicer, avoid rinsing – soak them in water for 5 minutes.
Masticating juicers are efficient for leaves, buds and sprouts; a centrifugal juicer may need additional vegetables to chop fibers.

To preserve juice fill containers so that air is minimized; a dose of juice frozen in an ice cube tray retains medicinal value.

A sprout’s prophylactic, analgesic, anxiolytic, anti-oxidant and activities peak within 1-2 weeks.

For CBD without dysphoria from THC psycho-toxicity, heat bud to 166 degrees with a heat gun – the longer a bud is boiled, the less THC remains.

D9THC boils at 157C, D8THC boils at 175C, CBD boils at 188C.

Drinking heated juice for THC is more potent because there is less vaporization, adhesion and degradation to decrease potency.

When calculating a dose of heated juice from a new strain make sure to begin with smaller doses: the amount of THC in a cup of juice can exceed 100 joints worth – which could leave one unconscious for a number of days – and even heated leaves can be psycho-active.
A 20 mg dose of THC causes most patients to stagger, after 30 mg THC most are unable or unwilling to stand.

“The Hemp plant is actually an excellent plant because the THC content can be low, that’s if you’re treating a condition for which appears CBD food supplement is in order. . . The plants we’re using in Luxembourg have only 1% CBD, a 1% CBD plant is providing you with 19 times more CBD per pound than Oranges provide you of vitamin C. A 1% is an excellent source, you can make tremendous concentrates you can eat the plant raw – and the absence of the THC – you can heat Hemp, which you can’t do with other strains because the THC acid comes out and you end up with a psycho-toxic substance,” says Dr. William Courtney

Viable Hemp seed from the detoxyourworld, happilyraw and websites approach pure CBD.

Steam or UV sterilized Hemp seeds sprout at a lower germination rate; such as seeds from Nuts dot com, Avian Organics and Persnickety Parrot websites.

Canadian Hemp seed oil contains 10 mg per kg of CBD; Swiss and Finland sourced Hemp seed oil can contain up to 50 mg of THC per kg.

Swiss Hemp “essential” oil contains 540 mg of CBD and 3 mg each CBD, CBG and CBN per kg with no acids.

Raw Cannabis produces non-psychoactive acidic Cannabinoids. It’s medicinal at lower doses than heated preparations because constituents have an Entourage effect when they act synergistically. 90% of the medicinal constituents are destroyed with heat – such as terpenoids, which can greatly prolong the amount of time a Cannabinoid affects our body.
“It’s the poster-child for raw food.”

Acidic Cannabinoids are absorbed by our body 400% better than neutral Cannabinoids and do not require a Cannabiniod receptor to produce medicinal activity.
Neutral Cannabinoids are the product of aging, heat or light.

THC – the only psycho-active group of Cannabinoids – and all other neutral Cannabinoids are barely present in raw Cannabis.

There 16 possible classes of Cannabinoids and over one hundred Cannabinoids in each trichome; in a ratio that changes throughout development with variations between cultivars. Each act differently: CBD-acid has anti-biotic activity but CBD doesn’t.

Contact The Humboldt Patient Resource Center, Canna Culture Collective, Leonard Moore Co-op or ask local growers in a Cannabis forum for fresh Cannabis leaves.