Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thirteen Things You May Not Know About Cannabis

June 14, 2012 | By  4 Replies
Laurel Dewey, The Weed Blog
Waking Times
1. Smoking marijuana is actually the least effective way to benefit from the medicinal power of marijuana. Opt for liquid extracts, cannabis butters or medicated oils to truly gain the deepest use from this healing plant.
2. The term “marijuana” is actually a Mexican slang term that the U.S. government bestowed on the cannabis plant in the 1930’s. The true name of the plant is simply: cannabis.
3. In all of recorded history, nobody has ever died from consuming or smoking marijuana.

4. The two main medicinal species are Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. Sativas affect the mind more and are more exhilarating while the Indicas work more on the body, providing physical relief and relaxation.
5. The term cannabinoids refers to the multiple compounds found within the marijuana plant. Cannabis has over sixty known cannabinoids, many of which have not been thoroughly studied. What people may not realize is that we were all born with cannabinoid receptors in our brains, liver, stomach and nerve tissue, making us human sponges to soak up the benefits of cannabis.
6. Marijuana liquid extracts were routinely given to babies in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s to effectively combat teething pain.
7. There are single strains of marijuana that can help you sleep, reduce pain, relieve muscle spasms and calm the mind. In other words, one marijuana strain can take the place of four different drugs, eliminating the multiple side effects of the pharmaceuticals.
8. Queen Victoria regularly depended upon cannabis indica extracts to ease her menstrual cramps.
9. Most people have heard about THC, the main psychoactive constituent in marijuana. However, there is another very important element in the plant called CBD that is non-psychoactive. Breeders are creating high CBD marijuana strains that have less than 1% of THC, making them non-psychoactive. High CBD marijuana has been shown to be excellent for stress, anxiety, inflammation and reducing the spread of cancerous tumors.
10. A 1974 conducted at the University of Virginia discovered that the cannabinoids in cannabis shrunk cancerous tumors and killed cancer cells, leaving the healthy cells alone.
11. Contrary to the propaganda that “pot kills brain cells,” research has shown that marijuana can actually protect brain cells, even when those cells have damaged by chronic alcohol abuse. In addition, marijuana has been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and protect victims of epilepsy, strokes and severe head trauma due to what appears to be neurogenesis—it’s ability to grow new nerves in the brain.
12. Marijuana seeds produce both male and female plants. However, the medicinal bud only is found on the female plants.
13. You don’t have to ingest marijuana to benefit from its healing abilities. Marijuana buds and leaves can be melted into oils and cocoa butters to make potent topical pain killing ointments that do not get you high.

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