Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Dr. John Olney who founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity wrote to the FDA Board of Inquiry  explaining  how it would damage the brains of our children.  The FDA agreed and revoked the manufacturer's  petition for approval.  It was Don Rumsfeld who said he would call in his markers and get it approved anyway.  James Turner, Atty, explains in the film Sweet Misery:  A Poisoned World exactly how he did it.  Here is the clip:

Unfortunately, Dr. Olney's prophecy has been fulfilled as our schools are filled with children with ADD, ADHD, Tourettes and behavioral problems.  Aspartame can trigger autism just as the mercury in vaccines does, and aspartame reacts with vaccines. 
Schools are greatly concerned about the epidemic of obesity and diabetes.  Aspartame and MSG both induce obesity.  A 2005 study by Sharon Fowler of the University of Texas linked diet drinks to obesity, and we know that aspartame makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight.  Further, the formaldehyde accumulates in the fat cells, and damages the liver so it's hard to lose weight.  As diabetic specialist, H. J. Roberts writes, aspartame can precipitate diabetes, simulates and aggravates diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, destroys the optic nerve and even interacts with insulin.  Many schools do not know this.  The following letter was given to the Alabama Board of Education but they left diet and aspartame soda pop in some grades: They also received the study linking diet drinks to obesity, an epidemiological study with 8 years of data.

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