Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Factors Linked to Acidity

So what causes acidity? More or less, it is a lifestyle based on poor dietary choices, high levels of stress and little or no exercise. A diet that consists mostly of grains, alcohol, tobacco, meat and dairy products will have the body teetering on the brink of acidity, without a doubt. Consuming a lot of processed foods, white flours, sodas, coffee, refined sugars and artificial sweeteners will keep the body at a low pH and acidic. Some one always tense and stressed out causes their body to work extra hard and ends up depleting their cells and organs of alkaline reserves. Also, a sedentary lifestyle in front of the television (which emits positively charged ions) with no cardiovascular activity, is a strong contributer as well.
Going Alkaline
Is there anything we can do to prevent our organs from being depleted and more prone to disease? A proper diet, high in alkaline producing foods, is the first and best step one can take to make sure the body is operating properly. Most prescriptions call for a diet that is 80% alkaline and 20% acidic for optimum functioning and health. Most fruit and vegetables are going to produce an alkaline pH in the body. Below I've included a chart to get you started on gearing your diet towards alkaline producing foods. Of course relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and proper exercise are important too. Fresh air and sunlight emit negatively charged ions, so getting outside and working your lungs will aid in proper pH balance.
A very good remedy I've experienced is drinking a lot of Kombucha. Kombucha is highly alkaline, has helpful probiotics, and many enzymes and amino acids. You will feel an immediate difference in the way you feel if you have never drank it before. I've included some websites below that have information about Kombucha, where to buy it and how to make it. Also, getting enough Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Sodium is important if your pH is acidic, as these are the minerals the body borrows from the vital organs to eliminate acids.

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