Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Quantum Physics, Consciousness, and How Manifestation Happens – with Amit Goswami

October 31, 2012 | By  Reply

Tim Chrisco, Guest Writer
Waking Times
In the following series of videos Professor Amit Goswami describes the process of, for lack of a better word, enlightenment. In his description he gives us a clear understanding of how ourconsciousness interacts with the world, and how enlightenment occurs. It turns out, according to Professor Goswami, that achieving an ‘enlightened state’ is not really all that difficult. In fact many people have already achieved some degree of enlightenment as they open up the creative side of themselves.

Toward the end of Professors Goswami’s talk he describes how our memory creates the world in which live. Everything is based on our past and how we perceived those events, organized them, and then call them back up into each moment in order to give us reference points for interpreting what is happening in the moment, as well as what might happen in the future.
It seems that the key to manifesting the future that we want lies in our memories. And it’s not the memory of our past, but the memory of our future. Creating future memories is the key to manifestation.
Watch this video. It is very opening in its effect on the psyche.

About the Author
Tim Chrisco is a health and wellness professional, Qi Gong instructor at Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong in Austin, Texas, and the editor of

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