Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Dr. James Bowen wrote more about the blood disorders.  "Anciently, autoimmune anemia was a mystery because auto-immunity itself was not understood.  So this mysterious breakdown of blood cells, and resultant anemia, was called "Lupus Erythematosis", the red wolf of the blood, which was supposedly devouring the red blood cells and causing anemia.  With the advent of immunology as a science, the immune system was recognized as the "wolf". 
"Lupus Erythematosis is now often caused by aspartame, which triggers the immune system into an autoimmune status by altering the body's proteins with formaldehyde, which denatures them, and by damaging the bodies genes with agents like formaldehyde and formic acid (fire ant poison), which is a chromosomal shattering agent.
"The immune system is thus confused by the denatured proteins, and defocused because the immune system's own genetic make up is disrupted, defocusing it.  The false memories induced in the immune system by the Aspartame denatured proteins are permanent, because the immune system couldn't even function without a lifelong memory. 
"Aspartame engendered autoimmunity often results in CHz (Chemical Hypersensitivity disease), whereby other chemical insults that rough up any body protein, even just a little, can trigger the whole autoimmune attack.  People with CHz can have violent autoimmune attacks triggered by concentrations of chemicals, which are far too low for normal people to even notice.  So millions of times lower concentrations of a chemical than would be toxic to anyone else can trigger a disastrous reaction in those afflicted with CHz.  You would not need to ever again be exposed to Aspartame once it engendered lupus in your body.  Exposure to a large variety of autoimmune insults would ever after cause your Lupus to recur, and many other autoimmune disasters could also come your way from CHz. 
"It's the very nature of CHz to defocus the immune system further and further, so a wider and wider variety of chemical/immune insults will trigger a wider and wider pattern of immune damage.  What started as the blood picture of Lupus Erythematosis could go on to include diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, arthritis, and polymalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome, for example.  This is typically what does happen once CHz is initiated in your body by Aspartame.  In addition to an ever-wider array of chemical insults, fungal sporulations, and pollen blooms become unmitigated disasters instead of minor nuisances.
"The final metabolic end products from aspartame include formic acid and carbon monoxide.  Formic acid, even in minute concentrations, also ties up the hemoglobin molecule just like cyanide and carbon monoxide do, so the hemoglobin in your red blood cells cannot pick up oxygen and carry it into your body. 
"The direct chemical and metabolic effects of aspartame, also causes acidosis of the blood.  Methyl alcohol poisoning from aspartame ingestion leads to severe acidosis.  This terminates in multiple organ failure in the human body, with heart failure and fatal shock finally ending the life of the aspartame victim in many instances.  Christina Onassis, Patty Crane, Charles Fleming whose wife, Diane is now in prison because aspartame killed her husband with typical findings of methanol poisoning, and she was blamed for it, are some well known examples.  Diane Fleming's husband often played basketball and was a body builder.  It is well known that athletes are at great risk of sudden cardiac death because of aspartame:  

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