Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The 4th part of the Toxic Cocktail for our DNA #Hexane

The 4th part of the Toxic Cocktail for our DNA #Hexane


is actually a byproduct of gasoline manufacturing. It’s also earned itself the dubious reputation of being a neurotoxin and air pollutant. “Noxious” is a good word to sum up the stuff’s properties. But despite hexane’s obvious dangers to human health, the chemical is regularly used by soybean processors as a solvent. Soaking soybeans in hexane separates the beans’ oil from the protein, allowing nutrition bar and other food producers to pump their products full of soy nourishment.
The use of hexane in nutrition bars is bad enough, but what’s worse is that many snack bars’ producers use misleading labels like “all-natural” and “made with organic ingredients.” Consumers reach for a Clif, Luna, Mojo, Odwalla, Balance, or Zone Perfect Bar thinking that they’re purchasing a healthy, eco-friendly product.

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