Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fluoride, Aspartame, Vaccines Is Bruce paranoid?

Fluoride, Aspartame, Chemtrails, Vaccines, Genocide

After maybe 5,000 hours of research into all this conspiracy theory and reality,
I now believe the Jesuit General and Rothschild-led trillionaire central bankers are
at the very top of the Global Pyramid of Power. These folks and their predecessors
have orchestrated every war, depression, and genocide for the past 200 years or so.

They had Abe Lincoln, JFK, RFK, MLK, JFK Jr., Malcolm X, and many others murdered,
all for failing to toe the line. While they are responsible for virtually every truly diabolical
act for the past 200 years, the thing that really irritates me is the way they are systematically
poisoning us.

They put fluoride in the water, aspartame and many other toxins in our food, and now they are
spraying barium and other heavy metals in the air, calling it Chemtrails. The radiation from our
cell phones is also toasting our brain cells. It's a systematic assault on our immune systems and
our brains.

They want us weak, sick, and stupid. They have been suppressing numerous cancer cures over
the past 75 years like Hoxsey, Essiac, Royal Raymond Rife, Hemp Oil, and many others treatments
that actually cure people. The Medical Establishment is greedy and wicked beyond belief.

Fortunately, I discovered an employment opportunity in which I can actually save lives and earn a
nice living by helping people discover scientifically engineered nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, all
natural, which have been designed to counteract this systematic poisoning by this evil criminal cabal.

By removing the various toxins and scrubbing clean our cardiovascular system, we empower our
immune system to keep us healthy. I simply can't think of a better way to fight this fight.

This way I can walk it and talk it. I can tell everybody I meet about the fluoride, the aspartame,
MSG, the chemtrails, the vaccines, and much more, then show them how to protect themselves.
I'll be happy to give anyone interested the details.

Bless You,


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